This week I studied Let's Not Take the Wrong Turn, a sermon by Claudio D. Zivic.
"It would be wonderful to have a desire deep in our hearts to keep the commandments without anyone constantly reminding us and to have a firm conviction that if we follow the right path, we will have the blessings promised in the scriptures...How often do we make a mistake about the right way, letting ourselves be led along by the trends of the world? We need to continually ask ourselves if we are being doers of the words of Jesus Christ...There are some mistakes that may be serious, and if we do not correct them in time, they can permanently lead us off the right path. If we repent and accept correction, these experiences will allow us to humble ourselves, change our actions, and once again draw closer to our Heavenly Father...The works and the purposes of God cannot be frustrated. We must not fear man more than God. There is a need of constant repentance...we should never: Set at naught the counsels of God. Break the most sacred promises made before God. Depend upon our own judgment. Boast in our own wisdom...During childhood and youth, people think they will never become old; the idea of death never takes root—that is for very, very old people—and reaching that point is still an eternity away...The day will come in which we shall again meet up with our Redeemer and Savior, Jesus Christ. I plead that on that sacred and sublime occasion we can recognize Him because of the knowledge we have of Him and because of having followed His teachings. He will show us the marks in His hands and feet, and we will join together in a lasting embrace, weeping for joy at having followed His way."
Like many great literary works, Brother Zivic alluded to scriptures without actually quoting many in his sermon. It's a powerful approach. This profound sermon boiled down to one question for me. Do I walk my talk? I can't say with 100% certainty that I do. I have some repenting and recommitting in front of me right now.