Jesus the Christ Chapter 16 continuation...
Mark 3:17
Luke 9:54
Mark 9:38
Mark 10:35-41
Matthew 20:20-24
Mark 5:37;
Luke 8:51
Matt. 17:1-2
Luke 9:28-29
Matthew 26:36-37
Acts 12:1-2
John 1:35-40
John 13:23; 19:26; 20:2
John 13:23-25
John 19:25-27
John 21:7, 21-23
James and John were zealous and renamed Sons of Thunder by Jesus. James seems to have been the quieter brother, while John was Jesus best friend. Over the years, I've had close friends from time to time, only one I venture to call beloved. A best friend is someone whom you can count on as Jesus did, when He charged John to care for his mother. I wonder if anyone feels they can count on me this way. Am I a true friend? I'd like to think so, but I'm probably more of a hermit than I should be. My grandmother has many friends, because she is accepting and loving of everyone. Before she became old and dependent, she was one that people could count on. I want to grow up to be like John and my grandma.