This begins my study of Jesus the Christ Chapter 14...
Luke 4:42-44
Mark 1:38-45
Matthew 8:2-4
Luke 5:12-15
Leviticus 14:2-10
Matthew 5:17
When I consider the leper and others cured by Jesus priesthood power, I am amazed by His mercy and charity. My own son was cured of a highly debilitating malady. It was plain as day in the first MRI, but in the second it wasn't present. That doesn't mean he was cured of every problem associated with the secondary defects, but he was spared from the worst of it. During my mission, I was given the gift of healing. It's hard to pin point the exact time, considering I had a odd, painful accident there. However, when I compare my strength, stamina, and lack of pain to the last time I was home two years ago, I'm blown away by the difference. I even look younger. Other of my family have also received healing great and small. As difficult as it is to accept disability or death, yielding to the will of God, we receive peace instead of bitterness. That is a healing miracle in itself.