"Beam-ectomy should precede all mote micro-surgery. Just saying." Ginger Conrad paraphrasing Jesus Christ.

Paradigm Shift

“The list of health problems I think it would very hard to live with is SO much longer than the list of foods I previously thought I couldn’t live without,” Merrill Alley.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

great gratitude

Praying For...Quinn, who fell off the monkey bars and busted his arm, green brake. According to Mom, he was a real trooper. It's going to kill him to be sidelined from karate. Thank goodness falling on his head didn't cause any head injury besides a little scratch. I pray that he will have many experiences in his life with good people that will encourage him along the strait and narrow way...that leaders of nations will stop usurping human rights for power and gain...that mankind will pursue charity, peace, and good will toward all--even their enemies...that all will be softened and understand the joy found in following the true Prince of Peace; it's only Charlatans who pervert the ways of the Lord and deceive others into believing their wrong ways are the way of Christ, including the Crusaders and terrorists for some supposed religious cause.

Bibliophilia...Reading Two Years Before the Mast by R. H. Dana Jr with my seniors. Arm chair gardening with The Tao of Vegetable Gardening: Cultivating Tomatoes, Greens, Peas, Beans, Squash, Joy, and Serenity by Deppe and Backyard Winter Gardening: Vegetables Fresh and Simple, in Any Climate Without Artificial Heat or Electricity the Way It's Been Done for 2,000 Years by Warnock. Sent Quinn another Magic Tree House book with its corresponding research guide.

Jesus' Word...The Semi-Annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is taking place this weekend. I look forward to it and study the words of these messengers from Jesus Christ with great gratitude.

Cucina Fresca...With my new way of eating (is it really new after all these years), I rely more on simple flavors than complicated recipes. With my own sort of French-style Mother Sauce recipes, I spring into oddles of possibilities with seasonally fresh ingredients and pantry staples. Their Sauce Bechamel or Veloute is my Cauliflower Kream, used to make any sort of white or cheesy sauced greens, pasta, potato, rice, casseroles, or soup. Their Sauce Tomat is my Basic Tomato with or without garlic, used for pasta, soup, or casseroles. Their Sauce Brune is my Onion Mushroom used for brown gravy, asian dishes, or soups. I like this easy, French inspired way, because it lends itself to my creative nature. Plus, with our current gypsy status, these sauces allow me plenty of options with only a few easily obtained ingredients.

Dr. Ginger, Medicine Woman...no, I'm not a doctor of any kind but a student of natural and nutritional healing. Because I'm sensitive to most chemicals, I've searched for years to find something with which to wash my long hair without fall out or scalp reactions. Lately, I've been using a homemade, herbal shampoo with shiny, bouncy results.

Bouncing Bett Shampoo

2 c distilled water
1 T rolled oats-sooth, nourish, and heal skin, gentle condition-use every third time
1 T Bouncing Bett (soapwort root)-gentle cleansing
1 T fennel seeds-scent, strengthen hair shaft, anti-itch, skin healing, gentle condition
1 T flax seeds-nourish follicles, strengthen hair shaft, improve elasticity, stop loss, encourage growth, gentle condition
2 T lavender flower-scent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic 
1 T nettle leaf-stop loss, encourage growth, balance oil, increase circulation
1 T rosemary leaf-stimulate follicles, encourage growth
1 T yarrow blossom and leaf-stop loss, encourage growth

Bring water to a boil. Turn heat down to low and add soapwort root, oats, flax, and fennel. Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Turn off heat and add remaining herbs. Cover and steep until cool (over night works pretty well). Strain and squeeze through a nut-milk bag. Use immediately by messaging gently into scalp and roots. Let it flow down length of hair. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse well. Comb a couple drops camilla or apricot oil through hair ends with a wide tooth comb, gently handling hair as if it were a precious cashmere sweater.