Jesus' Word..."Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass," Psalm 37:3-5.
Dearest Children, God Is Near You
by Charles L. Walker
Dearest children, God is near you,
Watching o'er you day and night,
And delights to own and bless you,
If you strive to do what's right.
He will bless you, He will bless you,
If you put your trust in him.
Dearest children, holy angels
Watch your actions night and day,
And they keep a faithful record
Of the good and bad you say.
Cherish virtue! Cherish virtue!
God will bless the pure in heart.
Children, God delights to teach you
By his Holy Spirit's voice.
Quickly heed its holy promptings.
Day by day you'll then rejoice.
Oh, prove faithful, Oh, prove faithful
To your God and Zion's cause.
Movement...Dash and I love our early morning walks of about 2 miles. Watching the sun come up, I feel so in tune with God. Afterward, we usually go for a bike ride with Dash sitting in her doggy basket. Rolling, stretching, and yoga in the evenings helps me iron out the kinks after a morning of sitting on preschool chairs and squatting next to floor work.
Sound of Music...trying to learn the new Disney song, Someone to Lava, which is a big hit with the children at school. They loved hearing me play violin, so I know they will get a real charge out of a real ukulele.
Teaching Little Children...Last Friday, a little girl named Charlotte said while reading tiny, Montessori flip books, 'Reading is so fun. I could do this all day.' I replied, 'Sometimes I DO read all day.' Then we smiled at each other conspiratorially. I've watched and assisted more than one child of three to learn all their sounds and move on to sounding out words, since I started teaching in June. Little children keep one young and lift the spirit. Trying hard to model gentle, smiling, non-verbal correction, as one aide get a bit harsh without realizing the tone of her voice
Dr. Ginger, Medicine Woman...found a good and inexpensive chiropractor and message therapist quite by accident. My axis has been stuck since a pile of folders fell off the shelf at WM in July. Now I can hold my head up. I really enjoyed a lecture by Dr. Klaper about the science of fat vs glycogen and their fat burning relationship with the first meal of the day.
Cucina Fresca...I'm just tired of chili beans. Most every week I make a pot of pintos or blacks for tostadas or rice and beans. With the left overs, I usually make chili beans. Well, my taste buds went on strike. The soup invented as a desperate replacement turned out to be quite tasty but lacks any sort of fancy name.
Vegetable and Soup
1 c dried beans, soaked, rinsed, and slow cooked until very tender OR left over beans and broth of the equivalent
2 tomatoes, diced
1/2 red onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
2 stalks celery with leaves, sliced
1 carrot sliced
1 potato, diced
a handful of green beans chopped
3/4 inch piece of serrano pepper, minced
about a cup of minced parsley
bay leaf
big pinch of dried thyme
Dump it in the crock pot and cook for about 4 hours. This makes 4 hearty bowls of delicious soup. I'm going to try the same sort of thing with cannellini or limas beans and different herbs next.
I also roasted a bag of baby yellow potatoes (coated in a bit of balsamic vinegar, cayenne, smoked paprika, garlic and onion powders) and drizzled them with a few tablespoons of my world peace pesto for a yummy, light dinner. Of course the pesto was a third moringa, the most nutritious, easy to grow, super food on the planet.