Praying For...Tyson and children all over the world to find peace, plenty, safety, security, knowledge, wisdom, faith, joy, hope, and love...
Ponderization..."...we did take courage with our small force...and were fixed with a determination maintain our lands, and our possessions, and our wives, and our children, and the cause of our liberty," Alma 58:12. I don't endorse war, but do think it is ok to defend one's loved ones, neighbors, freedom, and home. How do we know what is right, when our government officials keep lying to us? Pray for inspiration.
Talk of the Week...“If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments” By Carole M. Stephens, First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency. This is a most enjoyable talk with an old but still remarkable lesson. It's also a lovely illustration in dealing with others especially children.
Teaching Little I teach reading and writing to little children, I receive great rewards. Once in awhile, the other teachers express gratitude for my volunteer work. Although I appreciate accolades, I spilled the beans. Acknowledging their appreciation, I admitted serving these children for purely selfish reasons. Satisfaction and meaningful activity reward me greatly. Just ten weeks ago, most of the 46 children knew some to no sounds with two readers in the bunch. Now fifteen children have emerged into the reader category. While most progress slowly through the decoding stage, several of the newbies are moving into the fluent group. Every time I witness progression on the written language path, it invigorates and inspires me. Its a true miracle. Most have also progressed from chicken scratch to quite legible letters. The youngest ones have begun to retain sounds and write with chalk. Tooo fun! but I wish there were three of me.
Garden to go in the ground will be asparagus, elderberry, more garlic, and more bocking 14 comfrey--maybe some strawberries, tree collards, turmeric, and ginger in Feb, too. So far the cottontail rabbits steer clear of all garlic; it's a great rabbit repellant. I want to move the curry tree from the backyard to it's permanent location in the front. I got some great tree wraps to keep rabbits from eating tree trunks; chicken wire blows off during storms. With garlic and tree wraps, we should be safe. We never got that bucket garden built last spring, so we plan to get it finished before December. I really want to plant in February for delicious tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, beans, peas, spinach, and cucumbers. We'll put the buckets on the sunny south garden until things heat up in May. Then we'll move it to the cooler east court yard, which is protected from afternoon sun. Even though the east court yard sounds posh, it's just front entrance patio.
Doggy Days...I simply love having a little Yorkie dog. She dances and talks to us. Like all Yorkies she is quite bossy, a sweeter way than other Yorkies I've known. She's quite endearing. Now if we can just get that covered dog run built so she can run off some of her energy and relieve herself without being attached to a leash.