Praying For...peace on Earth...I know this will never be while Satan can tempt the hearts of men. However, I can choose to be more charitable, meek, and peaceful towards others. At the school where I teach, the children are learning a variety of Christmas carols as well as Let There Be Peace On Earth. It's my new Christmas favorite and lifetime mantra.
Ponderization..."Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men," Luke 2:15. "In the scriptures, peace can mean either freedom from conflict and turmoil or the inner calm and comfort born of the Spirit that God gives to his faithful Saints." I want both for me and all mankind.
Talk of the Week...In his sermon, Meeting the Challenges of Today’s World, Robert D. Hales reminds us that our choices shape our eternal destiny. I like the idea of personal councils and hope to incorporate it into my life.
Cucina Fresca...After J saw me using two dinner plates to press corn tortillas, he sent away for the most beautiful tortilla press. Now making this favorite bread will be easy again. I haven't had a tortilla press for ages.
Teaching Little Children...I didn't know there was a whole story curriculum for teaching handwriting. A few weeks ago, I came up with a cute story to teach a, d, and g after a few of the children couldn't get the proper formation. The round part of 'a' is our nice huggable mommy. The downward motion is her little boy (or girl) who hugs her tightly. He doesn't run away, because he loves to hug his mommy. He also has a tall, tall brother that loves to hug mommy (d). They have a lazy brother that likes to drag his feet below the line before swooping off (g). Anyway, I plan to incorporate all these cute stories, because the children love the 'a' family stories so much. AND when I found this I also discovered the same company's integrated curriculum for science, handwriting, and language. It's so beautiful and peaceful.
Yorkie Yarns...For awhile I fed Dash vegan kibble. The other day J and I ate lentil soup for dinner, and Dash nearly went wild sniffing the air. After we were through eating, I gave her soup instead of kibble. She's never eaten with such gusto. Since I prefer a diet of lentils, rice, vegetables, and greens for dogs, I saved the leftovers for her. I used to feed Lentil soup to Gucci all the time, who also thought it was the best stuff ever. When I must crate this sweet little creature, I fill her Kong with a teaspoon of peanut butter mixed with a pinch of diatomaceous earth, flaxseed meal, dried moringa, and vegedog vitamins. I'm glad to have this cuddly little companion.
Garden Gate...frost is expected M-W, so J and I erected a mini greenhouse around our mangos. We'll keep it in place until all danger of frost has past. Everything else should do fine. I don't feel a need to put up a Christmas tree anymore, because my backyard decorates itself for christmas. We have yellow and orange balls hanging from trees, as well as quail, finches, and hummingbirds flitting or running about.
Movement...we did it! We finally got our bikes out for an early morning ride. Dash nearly froze, so I'll leave her home next time. Although I enjoyed the ride, I was horrified at my steeply declined fitness level. I peddled as hard as I could but barely moved at all. After nearly two miles, I decided it must be the bike. Yup! The tires were nearly devoid of air. Whew! I'm not as weak as all that after all. At school, the children can choose to get out the yoga mat and exercise. Sometimes I want to get right down there with one or another of them and stretch. Yoga (like Essentrics) is so delightful and peaceful as an exercise form.
Doctor Ginger, Medicine Woman...I'm not a medical doctor at all but a student of natural and nutritional healing. Got a killer headache to match my killer shoulder. I've tried massage for this, which helps tremendously. This time, however, I chose chiropractic. I saw a woman chiro, whom I've never met before. She released the headache with accu-pressure as well as got my shoulder to move six inches further than before. She's probably the best chiro I've ever seen. I'll go back until this issue is resolved. Grandma told me getting old isn't for sissies, and she was right. Really though, I don't think my shoulder thing is age related, I hurt it lifting dumbbells and dropping a can of beans on it. What? Yes, I'm under five feet tall. Reaching to get a can of organic black beans from the top shelf at Walmart, I caused a few cans to fall. One of them hit me squarely on my shoulder.