"Beam-ectomy should precede all mote micro-surgery. Just saying." Ginger Conrad paraphrasing Jesus Christ.

Paradigm Shift

“The list of health problems I think it would very hard to live with is SO much longer than the list of foods I previously thought I couldn’t live without,” Merrill Alley.

Friday, September 9, 2011

my faith was restored

1.  Hebrews 8-10...the Law of Moses pointed the Children of Israel towards Jesus, the Messiah. The ceremonies performed in the tabernacle and later the temple were symbolic of heavenly things. When the priests sacrificed animals, it was symbolic of offering himself a sacrifice for our sins. When the priests placed blood from the sacrificed animals on the altar, it symbolized the cleansing and purification of the people just as Jesus’ blood, shed during the Atonement, cleanses and purifies us from sin. When the high priest went through the veil into the Holy of Holies, it was symbolic of Jesus, the great high priest, going through the veil into the heaven. Similarly, the law of Moses was the old covenant found in the Old Testament and the fulness of the gospel was the new found in the New Testament. While the blood of bulls cannot take away our sins, the blood of the Lamb can if we choose to accept it.

2. Still sorta sick...Yesterday I came to a crisis and briefly considered the ER. After a bit of prayer and hubby care, my faith was restored. I was calmed and reminded that I possess the tools to fix this problem if I'm patient. For instance, I couldn't hear out of my right ear for 18 months but can today. Since Dr. Christopher taught that 90% of all disease starts in the colon, I'm fasting with carrot juice, distilled water, and eliminative herbs to clean from the top down and doing.....other things to clean from the....well you know. Also to stimulate blood flow in the area, I'm using hot and cold hydrotherapy, cayenne messages, gentle stretching, and short slow strolls around the neighborhood. Sitting in the sun for fresh air and vitamin D, I'm developing a healthy habit. None of this will do a bit of good, however, if I can't get over the stress and other negative feelings of the winter that started this downward spiral. Forgiveness and choosing joy are the final parts of the cure. So I'm drawing and laughing and smiling more. After one day of this, things are looking up and pain is greatly reduced. I love life and will only check out, when God says I'm done here. I am so happy that God empowers me to fix my own problems and leads me to lots of sources on the subject of anatomy, physiology, nutrition, health. Since I'm also writing a high school text on these subjects, I'm always researching the ideas of the China Study connected to different organ systems. Quite possibly my book is the only nutritarian AP Biology book in existence. Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead and Forks Over Knives are two great movies I've watched on the subject lately. Both can be found on Netflix instant.

3. Since I'm in no shape to travel, we still haven't made it back to PHX to pick up my violin. I'm calling the violin maker today to have it shipped. It's been weeks, and I miss playing. All this delay is making me consider the whole PHX thing in a different light.

4. I still have mixed feelings about the Kindle. While the idea of having an entire library in a space the size of a dime-store novel is appealing, I like turning pages and the feel of paper. In particular I don't like cookbooks on the Kindle and can say this without reservation. I've downloaded three: Forks Over Knives, Appetite for Reduction, and The Get Healthy, Go Vegan Cookbook. However the novels and other books seem to be fine on Kindle.

5. Since the new term began Tuesday, I am very much looking forward to seeing what my scholars send in this afternoon. Their weekly deadline is 6:00 PM Friday. I have a little group of young adults that I've been working with for some time. They have made remarkable progress. Although it is sometimes stressful and occasionally difficult, I love this part of mentoring. To watch a young person blossom from a shy, budding adult into a full-blown young adult scholar is an experience I hope to repeat again and again. It's exhilarating.

5 Things For Friday

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I hope you feel better soon! Being sick in the worst. And I am with you about the electronic book thing-- it doesn't quite cut it for me either. I'd much rather have a paper book, but I do have to say they are nice for traveling.


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