"Beam-ectomy should precede all mote micro-surgery. Just saying." Ginger Conrad paraphrasing Jesus Christ.

Paradigm Shift

“The list of health problems I think it would very hard to live with is SO much longer than the list of foods I previously thought I couldn’t live without,” Merrill Alley.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

tools of the trade

I haven't posted for ever so long. Traveling, cleaning out the in-law's possessions, working on writing projects, learning new skills, dealing with life, and coping with some personal things, I put this project on the back burner. Finally, it seems time to pick it back up again. True, there are probably no readers left, but that's ok, too.

A few month's back LDS.ORG unveiled a wonderful new curriculum for young people. As I perused the content, I discovered the content organization similar to my own devotional curriculum for children.  More than ever I'm excited to finish the devotional curriculum. Also, I'm having a delightful time using the curriculum as my scripture study in addition to re-reading the Book of Mormon this year.

October's theme was charity. November's is spiritual and temporal self-reliance. Henry B. Eyring's talk Spiritual Preparedness: Start Early and Be Steady is part of that study.

While it isimportant to be prepared physically for emergencies, it is of far greater import to be prepared spiritually. Trails of all varieties require a strong spirit as well as a 72-hour kit. We are on earth to gain experience, but the real purpose is to test our resolve to choose the right while the storms of life rage Abr. 3:24–25 Illness and other temptations without faith and preparation can consume us. These along with Jesus' grace and atonement allow us success along the way and at the end of the mortal journey2 Ne. 10:23–25

The world is not a welcoming place for those who choose the Lord's ways at this time in history. Nevertheless, our faith and His grace can lighten the burden of trials. Spiritual preparation of feasting upon the Word, praying continually, obeying His will, and living His commandments strengthen faith, testimony, and resolves, as well as give an added measure of His Spirit 2 Ne. 32:3This helps us know what He would have us do our His will for our lives.

Finally, repenting as you go along allows us to remove fear of the future as a trial D&C 38:30Our loving Heavenly Father provided a way for us to learn His ways, develop faith, hope, and charity, fix our mistakes, and know His will. He trusts us to use these tools to get back to Him again.