"Beam-ectomy should precede all mote micro-surgery. Just saying." Ginger Conrad paraphrasing Jesus Christ.

Paradigm Shift

“The list of health problems I think it would very hard to live with is SO much longer than the list of foods I previously thought I couldn’t live without,” Merrill Alley.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

a life time and then some

Chapter 9 of Jesus the Christ:

Matthew 2:15
Hosea 11:1
Matt. 2:19-23
John 8:32 Deuteronomy 16:1-6
Luke 2:41-52
Matthew 7:28-29; 13:54
Mark 6:2
Luke 4:22
Luke 2:35
Luke 2:52
Matthew 13:55-56
Mark 6:3
Luke 4:22
Matthew 12:46-47
Matt. 21:11

Because I'm so fond of children and youth, this part of Jesus' life has long been an interesting study for me. "Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man." Since we are to liken scripture to ourselves, this is instruction for children. Taking this a step further, all are to become as children. Therefore it is instruction for all of us. If we do as Jesus and strive to develop a character like His, we will be happier.

1. Increase in wisdom...seems self explanatory. But what wisdom. If Jesus was taken to the temple and there showed his knowledge and wisdom, likely the wisdom we seek should be spiritual. However, all things are created by God. Doctrine and Covenants 88:79 sheds further light on the wisdom and knowledge we are to pursue. "Of things both in heaven and in the earth, and under the earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must shortly come to pass; things which are at home, things which are abroad; the wars and the perplexities of the nations, and the judgments which are on the land; and a knowledge also of countries and of kingdoms." Natural sciences, history, government, economics, the arts, human nature, religion, and languages all seem to be mentioned.

2. Increase in stature...stature can mean physical strength or standing in the community...Did Jesus mean both? His commandment that we love our neighbors pleads for the second. His teachings that the body is a temple points to the first. I say both self-control and charity.

3. Increase in favor with God...of course this tells us to strive for the best: hope, faith, prayer, and scripture study.

4. Increase in favor with man...Jesus didn't mean seek popularity but learn to get along. All through the scriptures we are taught to take our grievances to those that grieve us. We are also taught to be kind, unselfish, humble, patient, long-suffering, slow to anger (or maybe to avoid it all together), eschew envy, behave ourselves, control our tongues, and try to see good in others.

This is a life's work well worth pursuing. Jesus was on earth to be our Governor as well as our Savior. We are to learn to govern ourselves according to His model. I can't say I'm there yet. Probably very few are since following Luke 2:52 will take a life time and then some.