"Beam-ectomy should precede all mote micro-surgery. Just saying." Ginger Conrad paraphrasing Jesus Christ.

Paradigm Shift

“The list of health problems I think it would very hard to live with is SO much longer than the list of foods I previously thought I couldn’t live without,” Merrill Alley.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Para Antonio

I am having fun doing this even though it is slow going. If any readers speak Spanish, would you check my translation for errors, please? This is my very own New Testament Study Guide translated from English to Spanish for a nice young man named Antonio. He's the same age as my youngest son and such an earnest, kind person.

Matthew Chapter 1

Many people who read scripture for the first time get stuck on the genealogies. They are important here, because they testify of Jesus royal lineage and His fulfillment of Old Testiment prophesies and covenants. David, the king who slew Goliath, was promised the Messiah would be his descendant, Psalm 89:27. David was a descendant of Abraham, who received the same promise, Genesis 22:18, 2 Samuel 7:12-16, Isaiah 9:6-7, Micah 5:2, 2 Nephi 10:3. "Matthew's account is that of royal lineage,...Had Judah been a free and independent nation, ruled by her rightful sovereign [king], Joseph the carpenter would have been her crowned king; and Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews." James E Talmage, Jesus the Christ. Because Greek Christ is translated as Hebrew Messiah or annointed one, Matthew linked the name Jesus and Christ.

Muchas personas que leen las sagradas escrituras por primera vez se quede en las genealogías. Ellos son importantes aquí, porque dan testimonio de Jesús linaje real y su cumplimiento de profecías antiguas Tome y en los pactos internacionales. David, el rey que mató a Goliat, fue promesa del Mesías sería su descendiente, el Salmo 89:27. David era un descendiente de Abraham, que recibió la misma promesa, Génesis 22:18, 2 Samuel 7:12 -16, Isaías 9:6 -7, Miqueas 5:2, 2 Nephi 10:3. "Relato de Mateo es la de royal lineage,... Judá había sido una nación libre e independiente, gobernado por su legítimo soberano [rey], José el carpintero se coronó rey, y Jesús de Nazaret, el Rey de los judíos." James E. Talmage, Jesús el Cristo. Porque el Griego Cristo se traduce en hebreo Mesías o consagrado, la de San Mateo con el nombre de Jesús y Cristo.

In the time of Joseph and Mary, an espousal or engagement to marry was a legal, formal, binging contract, nearly like the marriage covenant. From the way Joseph acted at the news of Mary's pregnancy, it is obvious he was a kind, just, merciful, loving man. The law would have respected his demands to have her shamed in a public trial or even put to death. However, he wanted the whole thing kept quiet and was willing to break the contract in private. It is easy to see that God, the Father, picked Joseph with his good character to be the earthly foster father of Jesus.

En el tiempo de José y María, una asimilación o compromiso de matrimonio era legal y formal, borracheras, casi como la alianza matrimonial. En el camino José actuaron con la noticia del embarazo de María, es evidente que era un amable, más justo, misericordioso, amar al hombre. La ley se han respetado sus exigencias de que su vergüenza en un juicio público o incluso a la muerte. Sin embargo, quería todo esto mantuvo la calma y estaba dispuesta a romper el contrato en privado. Es fácil ver que Dios, el Padre, se adjudicó José con su buen carácter terrenal para ser el padre adoptivo de Jesús.

An angel came to teach Joseph the truth about Mary's condition and the child she carried. He was the literal Son of God to be born unto a virgin mother foretold by ancient prophets, Isaiah 7:14. Additionally, Joseph was given direction to name the child Jesus, meaning the Lord saves. Joseph lovingly accepted the truth, obeyed,  and married Mary. Mary remained a pure, chaste, virgin until after Jesus' birth even though she and Joseph were legally man and wife.

Un ángel vino a enseñar Joseph la verdad sobre María y el estado del niño. Él era el Hijo literal de Dios que nació á una madre virgen anunciado por antiguos profetas, Isaías 7:14. Además, Joseph fue dado sentido a nombre del niño Jesús, lo que significa que el señor salva. José aceptó la verdad con amor, obedeció, y se casó con María. María sigue siendo una pura, casta, virgen hasta después del nacimiento de Jesús a pesar de que ella y José eran legalmente hombre y mujer.

Jesus is the literal, physical Son of God, The Father. Mary is the mother of Jesus body, just as each child born on earth has an earthly mother. From Mary Jesus inherited mortality, which allowed him to die. While from Heavenly Father, Jesus Inherited immortality, the ability to feel the pain of all mankind, and the godly power to resurrect.

Jesús es el literal, física Hijo de Dios, el Padre. María es la madre de Jesus cuerpo, al igual que cada niño nacido en la tierra tiene una madre terrena. Mery Jesús heredó de mortalidad, lo que le permitió a morir. Mientras tanto, de Padre Celestial, Jesús heredó inmortalidad, la capacidad de sentir el dolor de toda la humanidad, y el divino poder de resucitar.